Mar 22, 2008

Good Friday...more than See's

OK, so I've had a few comments that maybe Friday's candy blog down-played the "goodness" of Good Friday. Um, being the crazed busy woman I am at the moment, I take my days in sections. I had not gotten to "Good Friday" section of Friday when I posted the See's blog. I was still working on the coffee pot I think and chocolate raided my home.

BUT, thankfully, I DID tune in to Good Friday and went to service last night. It was a very worshipful evening. I went alone, but ran into a few good buddies and was able to have fellowship AND alone time at the same time. Does that make sense? Anyhow, we were able to worship together and take time to reflect on the duality of the sadness and goodness the day represented. The day our Savior died on the cross for our sins. The day we were forever forgiven. There was some strong conviction happening. We've been in a series titled "Comfy". Basically, as Christians we can tend to like our cross as long as it's "comfy"...coated in pillows all soft and fluffy, all the lovey dovey verses in Scripture; leaving out the tough stuff. But the truth is, it's a narrow road that few will take. Hmm, eeks, I really do like that there is grace available along that road. REALLY REALLY. For me, there was a lot of reflection happening. I had time to really search my heart on this "forgiveness" idea. I've wrestled with that one over the years. Long ago, I wasn't sure if I could forgive myself for some things (or forgive others for things done to me for that matter). Letting go of things wasn't my specialty and I had a hard time moving forward from mistakes.

Someone got in my face one time (a Christian friend) and put it this way: "Do you believe Jesus has forgiven you?" In my fully accepting, new Christian enthusiasm, I replied "yes." To that was this response: "Then is it not arrogant of you NOT to forgive YOURSELF knowing what HE has done to forgive you and wash away your sins." OK, point made. SO...I've thought of that many times over the years when letting things go that I've done wrong. In turn is true repentance (hopefully)...don't do it again, right. That's the hard part...anyone with me on this?

ANYHOW, Friday WAS good. It was a sincere time of reflection. I hope that you took (or will take) time to reflect on the duality of Christ's suffering and goodness. On His love and forgiveness towards us. I am gonna take time to hug and love my kids and consider the things I am thankful for and the life I've been given and new life available to all.

OH, and if ya wanna see some serious questions to help ya ponder your walk this week, ck out scarlettomato:

RR, here's the 2 I picked out.
_Would a non-religious person know from your decisions if you were Christian? If you were religious? What would they think?
_Did Adam and Eve have belly buttons?

Question #1: Um, I don't consider myself "religious"...I consider myself a Christian, but the word "religious" kinda has a negative vibe to it that I steer from? BUT, in answer to the question...maybe, maybe not. (That was deep huh. But I'm pondering
Question #2: I don't know, all my picture books show them covered in leaves, so I can't see the belly button area...Let me know what you come up with.

Peace out and Happy Easter!

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