Mar 18, 2008

Inertia and Brick Walls

Brick Walls

So, this past Sunday at church we had a sermon that I guess spoke to me because I've still been thinking about it. That's a good thing, because unfortunately, I haven't been letting much "speak to me" lately. Just handling things on my own I guess.

INERTIA = 1. The reisistence an object has to a change in its state of motion. 2. The tendency of an object in motion to stay in motion and an object at rest to stay at rest unless acted upon by some external force.

So what? So, first of all, I wish I'd had a 6th grade science teacher that is as cool as the guy that did the explanation of inertia. He rocked it. But so what? What does it have to do with anything that I'm struggling with and why am I still thinking about it? As cool as his roller blade trick's not what I keep thinking about. Gods plan, and I'm thinking most people would agree that it's a pretty good plan, is for us to stay on forward motion. Continually growing. I've been questioning what my "resistence" is. What is the friction that is causing me to slow down in life? What are the "brick walls" in my life and why do I seem to allow a pattern of slamming my head against them instead of busting through that window and not looking back? Hmm....just pondering.

I guess ultimately it's sin at the root of all the brick walls...not people. My sin, their sin...circumstances, sin, Satan. But yeppers, we're responsible. Romans 7:18-23. Just a little inner struggle happening. But least I'm thinking of considering contemplating dealing with facing the stuff....that's a step right. Might not get me busted through that window...but it's a step.

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