Nov 10, 2007


Life is like riding a rollercoaster. Isn't it? I mean, I don't mean to sound all cliche' but it's true. And sometimes I'm not sure how much I like rollercoasters. But it's pretty common knowledge that if you're too afraid to ride one, you're a wuss. SO, I've ridden. I'm not a wuss.

I don't dislike all parts of the roller coaster. Sometimes the anticipation of what's to come is a thrill that makes me jump in line (You know, the part where you're going up up up for what seems like a million years and you feel brave during that part!). But there's no way of knowing exactly how the ride will make you feel afterwards. That's the part that makes me "shake" while I'm in the line.

I remember as a kid going to Worlds of Fun in KC and riding the Orient Express (I know, it's a kids ride now probably, but back then, it was THE ride.) I wasn't sure I wanted to ride. But everyone else was. I remember thinking everything thru in the line. Analyzing the curves and how high it went and how far it FELL! Then there was the upside down part. I just closed my eyes during that. It was kinda fun though. I just didn't like the uncertainty of how it would make me feel AFTER the ride. Sometimes I'd be sick feeling after the ride. And sorry I'd ridden. Sometimes I was on a ridiculous high that made me giddy and I wanted to go conquer the world. That's rollercoasters...That's life.

The unknown can make you hesitant or it can drive everything in you to go forward. I guess it's in attitude. I've learned too that it also depends on what part of the roller coaster you're on. I'm on the part where my hands are gripping the bar so hard that my knuckles are white and I've got the whole ride in front of me and it fills me with a million emotions.

But...I'm riding.


Anonymous said...

first of all you should be a writer maybe a book? Second of all you have way too much time on your hands! Love ya Jene' ******I hate roller coasters and have only ridden one in my life. It was with my dad and he lost his hat. It was on the mine train at our Six Flags. I'll never ride one again, but if you need me to ride with know that I will. Call me if you need anything. I love you Julio!!! Your BFF Jenni ")

Jennifer said...

Okay, have to tell you my roller coaster story. I love them! The bigger the better. But after having kids it's a little different. I had just had one of my babies (like 8 weeks or something stupid like that) and decided to ride Wild Fire with my dad at Silver Dollar City. I really was nervous because it had been quite a while since I'd been on one that does the whole loopty-loop thing. It was great. I didn't get sick. I ran out of scream about half a second before we bottomed out, which is about as much as I can take (I time my screams so they last the whole way down!) and was awfully proud that this momma of 3 (at the time) could successful ENJOY a roller coaster. We get out and the rickety, wooden deck path leads us around to view our picture and then into the store. I told my dad that I really didn't feel very safe in the store and wanted to get out because the floor was wavering too much. He raised his eyebrow and pointed to the floor. We were on concrete. It was just my brain that was still moving. I felt kooky like that the rest of the day. And that's my life now too. Kooky. :0) Just had to share!

Jules said...

Jennifer...funny! Yea, few years back took kids to silver dollar city and we got stuck in fire in the hole (heck, that's a roller coaster in my book lol) had to walk out with flashlights! haha This past summer i took them to silver dollar city. Rode something called Tony Hawk or something...pretty ok. NOW, if you wanna talk water slides!!! That's differnt! Bring it on! We had a blast doing that!!! SWEET