Nov 17, 2007

I like basketball...who knew...and hot tubs

Well, I guess I always knew...but never acted on the hunch. Too busy socializing :) Anyhow, a neighbor recently donated his basketball goal to us. Yay! So, me and my girlie have had a pretty good day. We started in the hot tub. Duh, that thing sits there everyday, why hadn't I done that in like...forever. Mental note...make a date with the hot tub each morning after dropping off kids. (Yea, rough huh). Anyhow, we stayed in there until we decided we were light headed and got out. Then after cooling down we decided to play ball.
That was fun. I'm not as horrible as I should/could be for not having played...ever really...or picked up a ball in a million years. And I kinda know HOW to hold the ball, shoot the ball, some rules to the game. I was able to share with my girl and she really started picking it up. Before long she was making most of her shots. We worked on some passing and she's not scared of the ball so much now. (Almost jammed her finger...I remember as a kid, this guy Khris Brane lived down the street and we'd play ball at each others houses...I broke my finger when he passed it at me. OUCH. Had a flashback.) Anyhow, it's been a good day. I actually felt like I was teaching my girl something. She's 10, so she already knows EVERYTHING. But today she learned something new and I had a great time hanging out with her. The last bad rebound ended up with the ball rolling about 2 blocks down the yea, we quit after that.
Now we're gonna paint our nails and quit doing boy stuff :)

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