Oct 17, 2007

Our new pet

EEEWWWW! Seriously. Do I have to be ok with this? And the irony is, get this, the BUG MAN was at my house spraying for spiders, which I abhor, when my husband and daughter laughingly ran into the home to chase me with this critter. I screamed and then did my thing and got online to see what he is. The initial plan was to take him to school to feed him to my daughter's classroom pet praying mantis! Well, when I found out what a cool critter he is on his own, well, I created his own "pad" in the old hermit crab terrarium. He's now called "pet bug".

Oh, he's a Toe Biter bug. Pretty scientific name, eh? Or "Giant Water Bug". Somehow he'd found himself on my husbands windshield. Which brings me to fact one on this critter. He is a strong flyer. Um, KEEP THE LID SHUT! Two, he eats worms and small fish (hey, we have one lone platy remaining from daughter's aquarium days...hmmm)and tadpoles. Like I'm going to find a bunch of those around somewhere. Well, we're gonna keep him for a few days. Let him visit school and such and let him go on Monday. That's the plan. Oh, and yes, when I say "let him go", I still mean "feed him to the praying mantis". That's how I roll.


Ryan Redding said...


Kelley said...

Yuck! Ewww! Gross! He's in your house like RIGHT NOW? Oh, eewwwwww.

Jules said...

well, he went to school and now he's back. I think we're gonna let him go-go and not feed him to the mantis; truth be known, he might take her! He hasn't eaten in 2 days now...so, he's hungry. (I finally figured out how to "moderate" my dumb account..)

Kelley said...

Oh, that is really sick. Let him go! Not in my backyard!

Cat eyez said...

Grooooosssssss. Just looking at the picture gives the heebee jeebees. No thank you!!!!

Jules said...

well, he's all gone now. We let him go because we never found him food. (TONIGHT my daughter found a frog outside...that frog was one day lucky...) AND, the mantis at school "just laid her egg sack". We're glad we didn't start "war of the bugs"...poor prego mantis mamma would have been a goner..
OK, enough about bugs. EEEW!