Sep 23, 2007

Plaid Monkeys and Buns

This was actually written August 31st, but never posted here;
OK, so there's this awesome cool circus thing happening and I get to help coordinate it (only the largest outreach at my church for the year...but no pressure)! So many times we say "it's fine, God is in the details." But do we REALLY see Him revealing himself in the details? Do we take the time to even look? Or do we just say that because...we just say that... Well, God is definitely, truly in the details of this event getting ready to happen on Oct. 6th at Morning Star Church. SERIOUSLY...
I've never posted a blog before, and I'm sure this won't be short..but I gotta get this out my chest, outta my heart and into yours! I hope these little tid-bit stories will be inspiring for you if you are working on a project (or just trying to see God in the details of every day life). I hope I don't do such a lame job of telling you how cool these experiences have been that you don't even get the goosebumps or the understanding DEEP DOWN, that God IS in the details.
OK, so we need a BIG event right. And there's WAY lots of details right. And I really have no experience doing something like this, so not the coolest picking it up at 8 weeks out and not knowing even where to begin...but God...SO, first off; the 1st two people I call say YES right off the bat, no hesitation. Enthusiastic yes's. Then we gotta get a sign up table and my good buddy just happens to be a great carpenter and we whip that baby out and it's impressive! BIG, but impressive. Then, we have a meeting and the few people that do show up are plugging in WELL! I feel like there's a little corporation thing happening, everyone's working on their part...just as it should be and everyone is very positive-that's SO good! SO, then we gotta get huge road side visibility out in couple weeks....great, where to begin on that and am I gonna blow the budget on signage. Well, I bring it up to my "top 2" to discuss and there's an ear within distance that shouldn't even be hearing this conversation right...well, YES SHE WAS (thank you God) supposed to hear it because she up and volunteered to coordinate with me on making it happen! I'm talking wood/frame/bearings all that stuff. I would have never approached her with this. Wouldn't have thunk it. GOD! :-)
SO, we gotta have lots of donations for prizes and raffles and so I went to a few stops while out and about the other day and stopped in this children's hair place called the Plaid Monkey. Spoke with the girls working, and they said they'd pass it to their manager. Well, the next day she calls ME! (Donation world, you usually do follow-up work) She wants to come free of charge and have a table set up to do hair, sparkles and boys she can put purple and green hair gel to match our logo colors! The full 4 hours free! She'll decorate her table and all. She's totally excited to be a part of it! (will be way cool with the face painting and tattooing to add that table.) Um, God is in the plaid monkey?!
OK, well we gotta have food too right! SO, donations hasn't been going well. The gal working on it is working HARD and getting good info on "best pricing"...but she decides to go outside of her comfort zone and ask her very ill bro-in-law if he can give her a connection at Wonder Bread to ask about buns. Well, she calls him and it ends up that this man goes to our church! He's been there since Feb. which is when she started attending as well and they had good conversation. He assured her he'd try for best price, but let her know that due to financial stuff, Wonder-Bread doesn't do ANY donations anymore...well, you know where I"m going! They prayed before they got off the phone (would I have done that?) and said good-bye with plans to talk on Tuesday. Well, she gets call just a few hours later and it's him saying he doesn't get it, but his boss just said "sure, we'll donate all 1500 hot dog buns they're requesting and send them the night before in trays so they don't get squashed." UM, thanks GOD!!!!
You are maybe thinking right now that these are little things. WELL, my POINT exactly. GOD IS IN THE DETAILS!!!!!! Look for it and praise Him! DETAILS.....all of em! even plaid monkeys and buns... Isaiah 40:28

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