Oct 23, 2007


The doorbell again. I'm not expecting anyone. Oh, yes I am. Another friendly face that I don't know selling me magazines or cookie dough. And they promise to top it off by bringing me a copy of Entertainment for only $25. Great, what a deal.

Seriously, one dad brought his 8 year old son back after my husband said "maybe later" (he was mowing at the time). Not kidding, he brought him to my door, in the dark, in the RAIN, WALKING...to sell me boy scout popcorn for one million dollars a can-(that I've been told shouldn't even start until November). When I tried to "politely decline" by letting him know I'd be supporting my own little dude's pack since he's just joining as well...he wasn't going to let me off the hook! He let me know that it might not be the same items and he'd check back. Um, ok. I'm waiting for you....

It wasn't him. This time it was wrapping paper. And "they weren't sure what they were selling it for." Great...I'll take the foil with the candy canes on it...


Jennifer said...

I'm selling butter braids for my trip to Honduras. Want some?
You're such a hoot! Oh, and we're hopin' you'll join our Wed. am small group. We have good food... :0)

Jules said...

OK, Jennifer, so YOU at least know what you're selling them for and you also happen to have GOOD causes going on and aren't in direct competition with my kiddos! haha I have many butter braids in my freezer but will help support your trip! No braids though, I can barely fit thru the door NOW! haha (Grr, I do want to make Wed. am work. Talk soon about that!)