Oct 30, 2007

Tore its guts out

Orange, slimy, stringy, kinda stinky, juicy, meaty, icky, squishy, sorta cool....filled with yummy (or soon to be, once they're salted and toasted) seeds.
Yup, Pumpkin guts.
Happy Halloween.

Oct 28, 2007

Dragons frustrate me

Or "beardies" as I guess they are affectionately referred to. Really, affection towards a lizard? As much as I didn't think possible...I think I'll love the little guy.

OK, back up. My sons birthday is coming up. He announced he wants a lizard. He's turning 7. Now, for $6.99 you can get a green anole. Or, you can catch one at mimi and grandpa's house for free. But NO....those are "escape artists", "too fast to catch", "timid", and from a salespersons point of view "just not a great pet in general." BUT, a $75 Bearded Dragon (beardie) is a "fabulous pet". GRRR...

SO, now you know where my frustration began. SO, I'm thinking, he's turning 7. A nintendo DS would save us hoards of moula (considering the price to add on for UVB lights, night lights, flourescent lights, live food every day, stand, terrarium, hood, etc etc etc. Heck, he could have the DS and a couple of 5 games!) SO, I run this past him. Oh yea, I struck a chord. He was on it like a fly on...well, you get it. But then, he gets a look outta the corner of his eye towards his dad and suddenly changes his mind. "Nope, I want a lizard. A bearded dragon!" Reeeeaaally...(I'm sensing conspiracy now. More frustration added.)

OK, well, if we're going to get a lizard, it's fair to expect the conspirers (word?) to know about them and their care, right. So, I quiz them. Guess what. They know NOTHING! SO, I cannot in good conscience bring a living critter into this home without being able to properly care for it. SO, I now can answer a few several dozen questions about lizards. Go ahead, try me.

I'll let ya know when the little guy arrives. (I still have a little over a week until birthday...I accept prayers of "changin some minds".)

:) Have a lovely dragon free day...

Oct 24, 2007

I'm not tone deaf after all

I've often times wished that I could sing. Or play an instrument, or something. Then I've wondered can I even "hear". What if I'm tone deaf? I mean, I know that I think that I hear, but what if I don't. I mean that's what tone deafness is, right. I wouldn't know, would I? Then I got this video. Yep, I am not tone deaf. Good to know.

Well, I do like the hair do. Mine did that really well (although not as well as all the other girls) back in 1986!

Awful Star Wars Trumpet Solo
Awful Star Wars Trumpet Solo

Oct 23, 2007


The doorbell again. I'm not expecting anyone. Oh, yes I am. Another friendly face that I don't know selling me magazines or cookie dough. And they promise to top it off by bringing me a copy of Entertainment for only $25. Great, what a deal.

Seriously, one dad brought his 8 year old son back after my husband said "maybe later" (he was mowing at the time). Not kidding, he brought him to my door, in the dark, in the RAIN, WALKING...to sell me boy scout popcorn for one million dollars a can-(that I've been told shouldn't even start until November). When I tried to "politely decline" by letting him know I'd be supporting my own little dude's pack since he's just joining as well...he wasn't going to let me off the hook! He let me know that it might not be the same items and he'd check back. Um, ok. I'm waiting for you....

It wasn't him. This time it was wrapping paper. And "they weren't sure what they were selling it for." Great...I'll take the foil with the candy canes on it...

Oct 17, 2007

Our new pet

EEEWWWW! Seriously. Do I have to be ok with this? And the irony is, get this, the BUG MAN was at my house spraying for spiders, which I abhor, when my husband and daughter laughingly ran into the home to chase me with this critter. I screamed and then did my thing and got online to see what he is. The initial plan was to take him to school to feed him to my daughter's classroom pet praying mantis! Well, when I found out what a cool critter he is on his own, well, I created his own "pad" in the old hermit crab terrarium. He's now called "pet bug".

Oh, he's a Toe Biter bug. Pretty scientific name, eh? Or "Giant Water Bug". Somehow he'd found himself on my husbands windshield. Which brings me to fact one on this critter. He is a strong flyer. Um, KEEP THE LID SHUT! Two, he eats worms and small fish (hey, we have one lone platy remaining from daughter's aquarium days...hmmm)and tadpoles. Like I'm going to find a bunch of those around somewhere. Well, we're gonna keep him for a few days. Let him visit school and such and let him go on Monday. That's the plan. Oh, and yes, when I say "let him go", I still mean "feed him to the praying mantis". That's how I roll.