Jan 4, 2008

Hawt or NAWT!

I've been looking forward to today. Normally, the event at hand wouldn't excite me. In fact, normally it is a frustration that causes worry, takes a lot of funds and ends up taking way, way too long. But today, I was more than up for it. Yep, I needed my hair cut (and colored, that's part of the deal...always)! Bad. I'd put it off, put it off and put it off. Um, yea, I found out that I do actually have a few gray hairs. (Reasons for those grays are another blog that I've opted to not write yet). No woman should have to find out that they might have a few gray hairs. (Unless of course you're a new Dove model and embracing your natural old beauty...) That's what hair color is FOR....duh!

Now, having hair as dark as mine presents a whole set of challenges for the everyday stylist. (Most of you don't actually know that my hair is WAY darker naturally than you've ever seen it. But to try to re-capture that look usually just results in an Elvira-ish sorta appearance. SO, I opt to call my "natural" shade 'chocolate'. Really it's more like, tar....) If not done correctly, my highlights will turn a lovely brassy pumpkin-ish color. And there's the afore-mentioned Elvira-ish look to be wary of.

SO, I do not trust my hair to the "every day stylist". Nope...only the "master" stylist is allowed near my strands. (You know the master stylist...the one that charges 3 times as much as the every day stylist). My favorite 'girl' left me last year. She wanted to become a nurse; not to heal people, but to "care" for them. Well, what about my hair...beeycotch! OK, kidding. She's a fabulous person. But after wondering aimlessly for months and surviving many a trial and error, I thought I'd finally fallen into good hands. Until today. Until MY hair day. My "looking forward to getting my hair cut" hair day. GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR.

Directions: "Do the same thing you did last time, and trim it good." That was replied with "Oh, you will be so happy, we changed hair color products and it's great!" UM, YIIIKERS! Nightmare to my ears! When she followed that with the fact that the color order hadn't come in and she didn't have my 4N IN, but she was "sure I'd LOVE what she was gonna do"-I should've went running. But nope, it's "my hair cut day", what can really go wrong? (Um, I KNOW what can go wrong, so what was I ON when I didn't opt to run?) SO, more directions by me: "OK, but I am trying to down-size my up-keep on this. Tuck the partial highlights sparingly under so re-growth doesn't show. Stay with one color high-light and make sure the base is dark enough so roots don't show." You guys got that right. It's pretty clear. I'm pretty clear! I'm THINKIN'!

Well, my base will look the same to all of you...but I'm not you. I'm me and I know that my roots are gonna come in darker and it's gonna bug the HE - "double L" outta me. AND, oh, this is the best part. I now know that I really could be blonde. Not brassy pumpkin today...Nope, closer to platinum blonde. Highlights. Not sparingly. Everywhere. You know the look. The "dark hair with bad 70's flashback 'frosted' highlights lookin skunk-ish that the 20-er-something-ish crowd has decided is attractive but is not-look"!

Looooooooooooooooooong(er story than this even....); I now look like a hairstylist. And folks, that aint the look I was going for. Breydan LOVES it; Kaleigh hated it but after I messed with it, she's declared me HAWT (thanks for new sp yellek)...
Great, HAWT like a hair dresser just coming from hair show hot. Just what I was going for. NAWT!!!!!!!!!!!!

(And I totally spared you guys the fact that it's now 2 inches shorter! That's another blog...that I'll never write.)


Kelley said...

It's really unfair to write a post like that and not put up a picture. The suspense is killing me!

Jules said...

I was going to put up a pic...but in the pic, you prob wouldn't be able to tell...??? But this am it is official! I'm calling her back to go have it fixed. It AINT right!!!! LOL (but, crud you'll prob see it tomorrow...I'll disguise it...you won't know it's so bad...and you'll be nervous and singing anyhow...LOL, yay, I'm sooo glad you're singing!) p.s. a little side note for you...Um, guess you've DONE your devotional today since you're readin my blog!

Anonymous said...

OK so you're right...I can't really tell the difference in color BUT I only saw you during communion today in line SO I really wasn't checking you out too closely - lol :) And thank you for going back and getting it fixed if you are not happy with it. I've wished I would of done that more than once - but always chickened out. Why is that? We would not hesitate to return something to the store, but don't want to hurt someones' feelings by telling them we are not happy with their product. Seems kinda backward so YOU GO GIRL!! But for what it's worth I thought it looked good :)

~ Lisa B.

Anonymous said...

Ok- so here I am finally making my way to your blog! You had me feelin' your pain girl! I think they could make a great sitcom based on all the stylists who screw up hair daily, and send their clients home in tears or in search of a new stylist! I bet we could even devote an entire lunch to sharing stories of our hair nightmares!

But, I'm with Kelley here when I say- WHERE THE HECK IS THE PHOTO?!?! And since I missed you AGAIN today- I didn't get to check your hawt hairstyle out (which thanks also to Kelley for teaching me new spellings that make old words more fun!)!

I want to hear how the follow up conversation with said stylist goes next!

Anonymous said...

OK girl----call me S-L-O-W! I'm just finding your blog! You're a crack up! I'm gonna check you out more often!

Jules said...

D.Reddin...you should've found me earlier..."chargers" was specifically for you! LOL
Kelley: NO, hair not better. Whateva.
Lisa E: You may add "Elvira oom pop a oom pop a mow mow"...to your playlist in honor of me.
Yea, well, it's DARK now~ no more worrying about being platinum! But it aint halloween folks. I'm looking a little goth. But you guys will never know it. I'm gonna rock it and you'll think I wanted it that way! LOL

Jules said...

AND, Lisa B. "I really can't tell the difference in color"...was that a subtle reference to the fact that you could tell she totally butchered it! UGH!!!! OK, enough! I'm gonna rock it. I'm owning my new goth look. Gonna loooove it. Gotta. Don't have another $100 to go throw at some lady to fix it! Hey, there's always Feria....you guys don't know Feria??? Good stuff. They sell it at wal mart for $8.99. That'll be my next look. OH YEA, you guys will be callin me trendsetta....